Watch this blurb about wands and how to attach a crystal to the end of yours. If you use wood, and you harvest it from the wild, it's a good idea to leave an offering of some sort. Also, research the ...
Check out this video on how to make an elixir using stones and metals. You will need a stone of your choice, a clean glass jar, and some water.You can anoint your tools with it, add it to spells, or ...
Watch this video to learn how to correctly play a singing crystal bowl. The first and most important thing is to bless your bowl. This is a very interesting and helpful tutorial video for those who w ...
Check out this video to learn how to select the right mallet for your singing crystal bowl. This spirituality how-to video is perfect for those interested in learning about crystal singing bowls. ...
Grandmaster David Harris teaches and demostrates the secret Shun Shen Tao technique know as the "Divine Gesture". With this ablitiy a person can dowse without the need of materials such as a rod, stic ...
Grandmaster David Harris shares the secrets of the Shun Shen Tao by teaching how to bless and deposses objects with the ancient technique of dowsing. ...
Grandmaster David Harris shares basic dowsing methods for healing yourself and others. ...
Nancy teaches you the art of dowsing with the pendulum & L-rods, and muscle testing. ...